Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Top 4 Trending Nursing Careers in the U.S.

Nurses are needful today more than ever in the fight against new and complex ailments besides rising healthcare needs brought on by rapid global population growth and high levels of poorness in various parts of the world. Your gravity and pay grade as a nurse therefore depend on your level of experience in handling these issues. The U.S. offers lucrative positions in various nursing fields. Here are some of these fields include:

#1 Certified Nurse-Midwife

 All licensed nurse-midwife graduates were, by then, awarded certificates. Most health institutions only accept them to help with pregnancy management issues and childbirth. Their responsibility have since evolved to include diagnosing pregnancy complications. As a certified nurse-midwife in the U.S., you can also order for laboratory tests, offer therapy treatment, and prescribe medication. American medical schools offer undergraduate degrees in certified nurse-midwifery – in case you want to seize the opportunity to live, work and further your nursing studies in the U.S.

#2 Nursing Professional Development Specialist

Referred to as nurse educators, nursing professional development specialists design, evaluate and apply academic curriculum meant for nursing students. The field is cut out for nurses with powerful communication, mentorship and teaching skills. Full-time nurse educators are in high demand in the U.S. and elsewhere around the world as a result of global deficiency of nurses. You may, for this reason, find this job title easier to bag in the U.S., especially if you’ve got a undergraduate certification in any field of nursing. Higher teaching ranks demand you to be an associate professor or a full professor within the nursing profession.

#3 Nurse Practitioner

This line of nursing has existed in the United States since 1965. It was born at the University of Colorado to give more children access to a high standard healthcare. Nurse practitioners in the U.S. are legal to order and interpret laboratory results. They can, as well, analyze and evaluate patients before referring them to a medical specialist. 

#4 Advocacy

You don’t need to hold an American passport to join the U.S. American Nurses Association, or ANA, and the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists, abbreviated as NACNS. The umbrella bodies require people with high organization ability and comprehension of what the world of nursing entails to formulate powerful policies and to strengthen their lobby groups. They also need professionals with deep insights and ability which can make better standards within the nursing profession. There are instances when they may have research, scientific and editorial jobs.

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